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Colorful glass bowl filled with freeze-dried candy on a pink background next to an assortment of freeze-dried fruits

10 Benefits of Freeze Dried Food You Didn’t Know About

Jan 18, 2023

Janette dArgy

The art of Freeze drying foods has been making a splash in the culinary world, but do you know what makes freeze dried food so extraordinary? This article will teach you about ten little-known facts guiding you through the glorious world of freeze drying foods

1 – Long Shelf Life 

Freeze dried food has a long shelf life because it undergoes a unique preservation process that removes moisture, the leading cause of spoilage in food. The process involves three steps:

  • Freezing: The food is frozen to a very low temperature, typically below -40°F, to turn the moisture into ice crystals.
  • Vacuum: The frozen food is placed in a vacuum chamber. The pressure is reduced to remove the frozen moisture through sublimation, or the transition from a solid to a gas, without passing through a liquid state.
  • Packaging: The freeze dried food is then packaged in airtight containers to prevent the re-absorption of moisture and oxidation, which can cause spoilage.

2 – Lightweight and Portable

By removing the moisture, Freeze drying effectively stops the growth of bacteria, yeast, and mold that cause spoilage. The resulting food is lightweight, easy to store, and has a shelf life of several years, making it ideal for long-term food storage and emergency preparedness. Freeze drying preserves food for years, reducing waste and the need for preservatives.

Removing moisture reduces the weight of the food by up to 90%, making it much lighter and more compact than its fresh or canned counterparts. This makes freeze dried food ideal for outdoor activities like camping, backpacking, and hiking, where weight and space are critical factors. Additionally, freeze dried food can be stored at room temperature, eliminating the need for refrigeration and making it easy to take on the go.

3 – Nutrient Preservation

Freeze drying helps preserve the majority of the nutrients in food, making it a healthy option. This is because the preservation process helps prevent the degradation of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can occur when food is exposed to air, light, and heat.

In the Freeze drying process, food is quickly frozen to a very low temperature, which helps to preserve the integrity of the nutrients. The vacuum process also minimizes exposure to air and light, which can further help prevent nutrient degradation.

In addition, Freeze drying preserves the food structure and texture, which can also help to maintain its nutritional value. This is because the Freeze drying process doesn’t break down the cell walls of the food, as cooking or canning can, which can release the nutrients into the cooking liquid or surrounding environment.

4 – Easy to Prepare 

Freeze dried food is easy to prepare because the process of Freeze drying removes most of the moisture, making it lightweight and compact. To prepare, just add water to rehydrate the food, and it’s ready to eat.

5 – Customizable 

The process of Freeze drying food allows you to customize your meals. You can start with your base, such as pasta or protein, and add your favorite veggies, sauces, and other ingredients that match your taste bud’s desire. 

6 – Cost-Effective 

Freeze dried food is cost-effective because the Freeze drying process extends the shelf-life of the food, reducing waste and the need for preservatives. The lightweight and compact nature of freeze dried food also reduces the cost of storage and transportation. Additionally, Freeze drying removes the water from the food, reducing its weight and volume and making it less expensive to produce and distribute.

7 – No Refrigeration Required 

Freeze dried food does not need to be refrigerated because the Freeze drying process removes most of the moisture, which causes food to spoil. With very little moisture left, the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms that cause food to spoil is significantly slowed or stopped altogether, eliminating the need for refrigeration. As long as the freeze dried food is kept in a cool, dry place, it can be stored for a long time without refrigeration.

8 – Versatile 

Freeze dried food is versatile because it can be stored for a long time without refrigeration, making it convenient for various situations, such as camping trips, emergency preparedness, and space travel. 

The Freeze drying process also preserves the flavor, texture, and nutrition of the food, allowing it to be used in various recipes and dishes. And, because the food has been dehydrated, it takes up less space and is lightweight, making it easy to transport. These features make freeze dried food a versatile option for a wide range of applications.

9 – Taste Preservation 

Freeze drying helps preserve the food’s original flavor by removing the moisture that can cause food to spoil, but it does not affect the food’s taste, texture, or nutrition. In traditional drying methods, heat removes moisture, which can cause the food to lose its flavor and texture. In Freeze drying, the food is frozen, and then the moisture is removed through a process called sublimation, where the ice is turned directly into vapor without passing through the liquid phase. 

This process preserves the food’s delicate flavor compounds and nutrient content, and the food is packaged immediately after drying to prevent the re-absorption of moisture. As a result, freeze dried food retains its original flavor and texture, making it an excellent option for those who want to preserve the taste of their favorite foods.

10 – Eco-Friendly 

Freeze drying food can be considered eco-friendly for several reasons:

  • Reduces food waste: Freeze drying extends the shelf-life of food, reducing the amount of food thrown away due to spoilage.
  • Less packaging material: Freeze dried food takes up less space and is lighter, requiring less packaging material, reducing waste and the carbon footprint associated with packaging and transportation.
  • Energy-efficient: Freeze drying uses less energy than other preservation methods, such as canning or refrigeration, making it a more environmentally friendly option.
  • No preservatives: Freeze drying eliminates the need for preservatives, which are often derived from petroleum and can have harmful environmental impacts.

By reducing waste, using less packaging and energy, and eliminating the need for preservatives, Freeze drying can be considered a more eco-friendly option for preserving food.

Now that you are familiar with what makes freeze dried foods so amazing, let’s take a look at where the magic lies in the world of Freeze drying – we’re talking about candy! 

That’s right! All your sugary delights can be transformed into the greatest treat your taste buds can experience. Candy Jan has all the tasty morsels that are perfect for snacking, dessert, or as the world’s greatest gift. Contact us today and find out what you’ve been missing out on in the world of sweet treats.